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Posture Workshops/Analysis

Location - Leicester & Leicestershire

One to one in Birstall LE4 3NU or up to 2 people at Bodyworks Physiotherapy, knighton. LE2 6EN

Using mirrors, I help you look at how you stand and sit. We may use a plum line to see how your posture is at present and how it should be.. This is followed by advise on how to correct and adapt for everyday life when sitting, standing and moving.

It is bespoke working on your needs.

Poor posture can cause many health issues and pain which can be addressed by tweaking and correcting

This is interactive workshop with information to take away to refer to.

 Two people £40.00 Per person 75- 90 min

      One to one £48.00 45 min 

20 min Follow up sessions available to check changes are working for you and tweak as needed. £15.00

For more information or

To book contact me on 07754 256116

 Tai Chi Stances Workshop

Location - Hinckley, Leicester, and Leicestershire

In Hinckley for 4 people at my training academy or for up to two people at Bodyworks Physiotherapy, Knighton.

One to one In Knighton or  Birstall 

Using the mirrors to look more in depth at the stances, grounding, rooting and transitioning from one to the other which can help improve Qi ( energy ) flow throughout your body and a more powerful connection with YIN and the earth energy. 

Your Qigong and movement for Tai chi Form and Fan form. will feel more powerful.

 This is interactive with me looking at how you stand and move into stances, correcting when possible and  testing your balance as you root and ground in a stance. You will have information to take away with you to refer back to


Prices upon request


For more information or

To book contact me on 07754 256116




Energy (QI)

Location - Bodyworks Phsyiotherapy, Knighton, Leicester.

For those wanting to understand what QI ( energy ) is , how it works to assist you in everyday life and how to use it. 

the relevance of how it is used within Tai Chi Qigong, this is an interactive and informative workshop with information for you  to take away for future reference. 




If we have more demand,, the location could l be at Beaumont Hall Botanic gardens. Oadby.



Crystal Healing Workshop  

Beginner Crystal Healing 


 and Advanced sessions

Location - Bodyworks Physiotherapy or online


Within Bodyworks Physiotherapy Knighton, based on a minimum of two people, 

Learn about crystals and their h​ealing properties, following my guidance, choose and use crystals during the workshop and come away feeling more refreshed and energized. with some knowledge of how to use them on yourself at home or where they can harmonize your home or work place.



90 min  £40 per person  Based on 2 attendees



An option to purchase crystals on the day will be available 


ONLINE. Crystal Healing Workshop 


Working from the comfort of your own home.

For beginners, a list of crystals needed will be sent to you along with websites or ideas where to source what you need. I can help source them for you (with a small fee). You may already have some crystals but don't know how to use them or their healing benefits.

. You will be advised how to care for them and then follow me as I help you familiarise yourself with them and then I guide you through a relaxing treatment using them.

Each Crystal has its own healing property but also represented by colour helps to balance the seven main chakras (energy wheels) in the body. The crystals are yours to keep for future use and further sessions can advance with the option to buy different crystals to use on yourself.


For people with more knowledge, I run a more advanced session

Group session £15.00

One to One £45.00

One to One regular booking £40.00

Beginner - TBA


As a beginner please book asap so there is time to source the crystals you may need for that. 


Advanced Session - Monday 31st. July 2023 7.30pm 

To book contact me on 07754 256116

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